
What’s In The Mixer?

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My friends often ask me what is my favorite tool in the kitchen. The answer to me is more than obvious. The undeniable king of all gadgets I own is my good old KitchenAid Mixer. I used it for mixing the bread and pasta dough, mixing cake batter, slicing and shredding vegetables, mashing potatoes, griding meat…. You get the picture.

Looking at several online retailers, I came to conclusion that Amazon has most competitive prices on KitchenAid Mixer, not to mention the selection of colors:

Amazon.com Widgets

But of course many different ways you can use this wonderful piece of equipment depend on the verity of attachments you have for your KitchenAid Mixer. Below is the collection of attachments I have as well as attachments I plan to buy in the near future:

Amazon.com Widgets
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